Synchronized Measurement Approach in CAT 793D Mining Truck

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(Por: Msc Ingeniero Mecánico Edgar Andrade Orellana)

The implementation of monitoring sensors in a mining vehicle entails several additional considerations such as power source, space for measurement equipment, high temperatures for sensors, and installation and wiring of equipment. That’s why Vibrotechnology designs the type of measurement with multiple simultaneous channels and software according to the specific needs of each service. Vibrations that may be perceptible in any part of the unit must be analyzed following a criterion of searching for excitation frequencies with the highest amplitude. By installing low and high-frequency
accelerometers in strategic locations and properly configuring them, a broad spectrum of possibilities can be covered. Of course, it is essential to ensure that the know-how, expertise, and training of the personnel involved in post-analysis are satisfactory.

Caterpillar 793D mining truck

Caterpillar 793D engine

Caterpillar 793D mechanical powertrain

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